Thursday, October 24, 2013


This week we have been talking a lot about relationships regarding the dating aspect. I will be the first one to say that I feel so lucky that I was married young and able to escape dating early. I loved dating - don't get me wrong. But once you have settled with the love of your life, it's even better. I love that instead of spending my early twenties dating around, that I can spend it dating my husband and building my relationship with him.

One thing that stood out to me with dating was the story of a young girl. She was asked on 50 dates one semester and many people hadn't even been on one. When she was asked what she did, the answer was simple. She would often let boys know that she was approachable and kind, which would lead to them asking her on a date. For example, she would hear a boy playing the guitar and she would stop and watch and then tell him how she had always wanted to learn guitar and she thought that it was a really neat talent. Simply, she would take the first step in making the boy feel comfortable, and usually did it by complementing him, or making him feel good, which lead to him gaining the confidence to ask her on a date.

I think that dating is SO important in this life. It starts out with dating casually, and then dating seriously and then once married, the dating should continue. I believe that it is healthy for relationships. To me, dating is sort of "maintaining" and my husband and I have made the effort to go on weekly dates our entire lives. As we start our family and have kids, we know that this will become more and more difficult. Right now, it's easy because we spend each day together so it's as if every day is a date! But we know that if we can get into this habit, it will do great things for our marriage in tough times.

Dating is key to this life as we get to know and get to learn more about others, and our spouses.

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