Friday, October 11, 2013

Men vs. Women

I loved the documentary that I watched this week regarding gender roles. I found it so fascinating and reassuring that there ARE indeed differences between men and women. The video held an experiment with families with both a son and daughter. They raised these sons and daughters for a span of time with absolutely NO gender cues, differences or encouragement. They would give both children dolls, trucks, makeup, and guns and give no encouragement for either child to play with a particular toy. One mom stated,

"At one point I gave both my son and daughter both a doll. My son proceeded to use it as a gun, and then threw it making an explosion sound. When I handed it to my daughter she stated, 'oh she is absolutely beautiful but she needs more makeup!' I was so confused - I don't even wear makeup! She just knew."

This happened time and time again. They even did experiments with animals. Females are just nurturing by nature. Boys are more rough.

I believe that there are apparent differences in gender and that these differences are divine and Godly. We are not meant to be the same, we are not meant to be equal. We are meant to be different. These differences are what makes marriage so beautiful. Husbands and wives have unique strengths, that when placed together, create a positive home environment.

So what can I do?

I plan to embrace womanhood! I am not going to put up a stink about women's rights, equal rights, or the fact that motherhood these days isn't technically "a career". I am proud to be a women and I am grateful for the opportunity I have to become more and more like God each and every day.

For an interesting article about stay at home moms, visit:

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